Yvonne Jamieson
Oil Paintings


1 Sep 2023 - 31 Dec 2024 Outrigger Restaurant - 2232 Queen Street East (Beaches) Six Paintings featured Category: Show/Exhibit Event Website: http://2232QueenStreetEast(Beaches) Venue: Outrigger Restaurant
"Not a Sound" is featured, along with seven other paintings. The paintings are rotated regularly, please watch for new work.

27 Sep 2024 - 29 Sep 2024 Riverdale Art Show Category: Show/Exhibit Venue: St Barnabas Church, 361 Danforth Avenue (across from Chester Subway (Enter on Hampton St.) Reception: 27 Sep 2024
4 Oct 2024 - 6 Oct 2024 The Beach Guild of Fine Art Fall Show Category: Show/Exhibit Venue: Beach United Church, 140 Wineva Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada Reception: 4 Oct 2024